Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I'm Back!

I've been off the blog for the last 6 months or so! Real life got so busy and exciting I didn't have much time to update! But I'm back in Hawaii and Zack is very busy... so i have a LOT of extra time on my hands! I'm hoping to fill my time with sewing projects, cleaning, and a lot of reading. Since I'm pregnant again I have five or six books about pregnancy and delivery that I really want to read, but I haven't made them a priority yet. I am thinking I'll just take my book and chair into the back yard, put my feet in the water, relax, and try to stay cool!

I'm so excited to be pregnant again! It happened crazy fast but was definitely a welcomed surprise! The last time I posted I was healing from a miscarriage. I had my D&C in March and got pregnant in May! The ironic thing is one night Zack suggested we take a break from trying; that we just take a few months to heal and get ready to try again. I agreed; I thought we could both benefit from a few months to focus on other things. Two weeks later I got a positive pregnancy test. Once again, the Lord's time table was totally different from ours. I have to admit, this may be my favorite example of when the Lord knew better.

This pregnancy has been such a blast! It certainly hasn't been a walk in the park... but luckily I know how to laugh at myself. I hope my description of the perils of my pregnancy don't come off as complaints. I really only share them because A)I think I'm funny and B)I'm sure many of my friends who have been pregnant can relate! My due date is February 18! I thought "Oh! This will be great, I'll be pregnant through the winter, I won't have to deal with the summer heat!" Then I remembered that I live in Hawaii, land of the eternal summer. This is such a positive to so many people, but not this pregnant person. At 21 weeks, I can barely wear clothes. I'm dying. Today I made myself a lunch and sat, soaking my feet in an ice bath. My favorite thing is to just sit (as still as possible) with my two big fans pointing at me. I think these are just the dog days of Hawaii though. There is no wind these days. The hot, humid air just sits. Hopefully with the change of seasons we'll get more of a breeze coming through. I don't remember feeling this hot last year, so hopefully it won't last!

My first trimester consisted of a whole lot of puking. So far, the only change in my second trimester is I get really dizzy... and faint occasionally. Hahah. So embarrassing. But my appetite is back at about half force. I do get hungry, but a lot of times nothing sounds good. I eat a lot of granola bars, celery, bagels. I'm sorry to report have yet to have any crazy or creepy cravings. But, I'm excited that pregnancy has curbed my appetite for really unhealthy food. I'm trying really hard to focus on being as healthy as I can for this baby! I keep thinking that once this pregnancy is over I'm going to have like an actually baby to take care of. I'm going to need to be healthy and in shape!! It is amazing how much that motivates me!

During the first part of my pregnancy, I was in Cedar City with my family. Since my dad is an OB/GYN I was really lucky and was able to get ultrasounds at least once a week. It was so fun and really helped me to relax and know that everything was going alright! I left there when I was 13 weeks and Zack had already come back to Hawaii, but we really wanted to see if we could find out if it was a boy of girl. I wanted to share that with my family! So, we got Zack on Facetime and filled the ultrasound room with as much family as we could and, lets just say, our little guy... is NOT shy. He was happy to show us what he had to offer. Hahah  Zack and I are both really excited to be having a boy! We would have been thrilled either way, but its fun to think that we'll have a big brother for the rest that follow!

Since I've been back I've really missed the easy access I had to ultra sounds. If it was up to me I'd have one everyday just to see how he's growing and watch what he's doing in there. The last few weeks have been really fun though because I started to feel flutters. I think I felt the first flutters around 18 weeks; now I'm feeling straight up kicks and nasty bows. I seriously wonder what he's doing in there sometimes. Especially at night, when Zack and I are laying in bed talking about our day, he really seems to get wild. I'm thinking we better start trying to change his sleep schedule though. I can sleep through the kicks now, but once he's born I'd really like for him to sleep when I want to sleep. Hahaha. Do I sound really naive and overly optimistic? I know.

Anyways, the last few months have really been full of so many new, fun experiences. The Lord really poured out so many blessings upon us. I feel blessed to be back here in Hawaii with my best friend and the love of my life! I'm really excited/terrified to become a mother! All of my wise friends, I'd love any advice or fun experiences you have to share!

Love to all of you!!


  1. I'm so happy you said Dog Days hahaha yes!!!

    Sally I love your posts and hope you try to post weekly! They are so inspirational and you are the greatest example to me; both you and Zacharias.

    I hope things continue to go well and please get Zack to video you fainting just once. That would make my life.

    Love you Sallison!

  2. how exciting! it's so weird to not be feeling movements any more in my belly but it's so worth it having little Cohen with us in the world now. I would've loved getting the weekly ultra sounds just to make sure everything was going smoothly. It's a little nerve racking when you can't see them and hold them and make them all better. Good luck with the heat!

  3. I hear you on the heat! I am a miserable mama in the summer not pregnant, imagine how nice I can be when I am! So glad you are eating healthy, it makes the biggest difference, during and after. I know people think its ok to do and wear normal things but go easy on the nail polish, (especially polish remover) lotions, and deodorant! They are loaded with so many nasty things! You are doing great, Sally! Miss you!
